Jeffrey Hocking

Headshot of Jeffrey Hocking

PhD (candidate), Institute for Christian Studies

MA, Institute for Christian Studies

BA, Cornerstone University

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About Me

Jeffrey was introduced to ICS as an undergraduate in Michigan. Always interested in subjects which overlap in philosophy and theology and with a keen interest on how reflection in those areas inform a holistic life of faith, ICS was a welcome intellectual home for him. Here he found a place to to think through the relationship between God, humanity, and creation. This has been a continuous thread through his research that began with a study of relational trinitarianism at Cornerstone University, continuing in a study of human and divine freedom in open theism in the MA program at ICS, and now centering on a concept of religious language in the theopoet Rubem Alves in the PhD program.

Jeffrey works in academic administration at Wycliffe College and lives in Toronto with his wife Angie (Director of Outreach at Church of the Redeemer) and daughter. Together they enjoy the coffee, food, and community that the city has to offer.

Recent Publications


Courses and Syllabi